The number of women victims of abuse and violence is growing inexorably and, often, the fear of retaliation and further violence forces the victims not to ask for help and to remain silent ... a silence that we at Spaziodonna Salerno wish to break. We have been on the front line against violence for years and, thanks to a team of professionals, we are able to guarantee psychological and legal support to all the women who come to us. You can contact us by phone on 089 254242 or 3791 422525 and, now, also through our App.By pressing the "STOP" button, in fact, you can share a short audio and your position (GPS) with us, so we can accept your request for help and be close to you.The recorded audio message will be sent to our operators who will get back to you as soon as possible. This service, therefore, is not an immediate emergency response. Therefore, we remind you that for any emergency you must call 112 in order to be put in contact with the police who are the only ones who can promptly and physically go to the place where you are and intervene.N.B. When you record audio you can put the app in the background. So you can use other apps at the same time, enter the lock screen or not hold the phone in your hands and still continue recording. If you permanently close the app, while you are recording, then the audio will also freeze and will not be sent.